Real Stories from People Who Have Benefited from Invisalign Treatment

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Invisalign in Englewood

Are you considering getting Invisalign treatment, but wondering if it’s worth the investment? Look no further! We’ve gathered real stories from people who have experienced the benefits of Invisalign firsthand. From improving their confidence to correcting serious dental issues, these individuals share how Invisalign transformed their smiles and lives. Get ready to be inspired and learn about the power of this innovative orthodontic solution.


The Invisalign system is a series of clear, removable aligners that are virtually invisible. They are custom-made for your teeth using state-of-the-art technology, which means you’ll achieve the smile you’ve always wanted without anyone even knowing you’re going through treatment. Invisalign is an ideal choice for both adults and teens who are looking to improve their smiles. The aligners are comfortable to wear and easy to care for, making them a great option for busy people who want to straighten their teeth without disruptive metal braces. If you’re considering Invisalign treatment, read on to hear real stories from people who have benefited from this life-changing orthodontic solution.

Benefits of Invisalign

There are many benefits that come from Invisalign treatment, including:

  • A straighter smile: This is probably the most obvious benefit of Invisalign, and the reason why many people choose to undergo treatment in the first place. With Invisalign, you can achieve a straighter, more alignment which can greatly improve the overall appearance of your smile.
  • Improved oral health: Straight teeth are not only easier to brush and floss, but they’re also less likely to suffer from dental problems in the future. With Invisalign, you can help reduce your risk for cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.
  • Boosted self-confidence: A straight smile can do wonders for your self-esteem and confidence. Many people who have undergone Invisalign treatment report feeling better about themselves both professionally and personally.

If you’re considering Invisalign treatment, be sure to speak with your dentist or orthodontist to see if it’s right for you.

Real Stories from People Who Have Benefited from Invisalign Treatment Invisalign clear aligners have helped many people achieve the smile they’ve always wanted. Here are some real stories from people who have benefited from Invisalign treatment.

What to Expect During Treatment

A treatment with Invisalign is divided into two phases: the active phase and the retention phase. During the active phase, you will need to wear your Invisalign aligners for at least 20 hours a day. You will also need to visit your orthodontist for check-ups every 4-6 weeks so they can monitor your progress and give you new aligners. The average treatment time is about 12 months, but this can vary depending on the severity of your case.

During the retention phase, you will need to wear a retainer at night to keep your teeth from moving back into their original position. This phase usually lasts for 6 months to 1 year. After that, you may only need to wear the retainer occasionally to maintain your results.

Tips for Successful Treatment

If you’re considering Invisalign treatment, you’re probably wondering what the process is like and whether it’s right for you. You may also be wondering what you can do to ensure that your treatment is successful. Here are some tips from people who have successfully completed Invisalign treatment:

  • Follow the instructions of your orthodontist or aligner provider. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to follow all of the instructions given to you by your orthodontist or aligner provider in order to ensure successful treatment.
  • Be diligent about wearing your aligners. It’s important to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours per day in order for them to be effective. If you don’t wear them as directed, you may not see the results you’re hoping for.
  • Keep your aligners clean. It’s important to keep your aligners clean in order to prevent bacteria buildup and ensure that they continue to work effectively. Brush and floss your teeth before putting your aligners back in, and be sure to clean your aligners themselves with a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild soap on a regular basis.
  • Be patient! Treatment with Invisalign can take several months, so it’s important to be patient throughout the process. Remember that each person’s treatment plan is unique, so don’t compare yourself to others who may be further along in their treatment than you are. Trust that your orthodontist or aligner provider is following the best plan for you.
  • Visit your orthodontist regularly. It’s important to stay on track with your treatment plan and visit your orthodontist for regular check-ups throughout the process. This will ensure that any adjustments that need to be made can be done in a timely manner, helping you get to your end goal faster.

Alternatives to Invisalign Treatment

If you’re considering Invisalign treatment, you may be wondering what your alternative options are. There are a few different types of orthodontic treatments available, and the best option for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Here are some of the most common alternatives to Invisalign treatment:

Braces: Traditional braces are made of metal wires and brackets that are bonded to your teeth. They work by applying consistent pressure to your teeth over time, gradually moving them into the desired position. Braces can be used to treat a wide variety of orthodontic issues, and they’re usually more affordable than Invisalign treatment.

Lingual braces: Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces, but they’re placed on the back (lingual) side of your teeth instead of the front. This makes them less visible than traditional braces, but they can be more difficult to clean and may cause more discomfort than other types of braces.

Clear aligners: Clear aligners are clear plastic trays that are custom-made to fit over your teeth. They work by gradually moving your teeth into the desired position over time. Clear aligners are nearly invisible when worn, and they can be removed for eating and cleaning. However, they may not be suitable for treating severe orthodontic issues.

Retainers: Retainers are typically used after orthodontic treatment (including Invisalign) to help keep your teeth in their new positions. They come in a variety of styles, including clear plastic trays that fit over your teeth and metal wires that are bonded to the back of your teeth.

If you’re considering Invisalign treatment but don’t know which option is best for you, it’s important to speak with an experienced orthodontist who can assess your needs and recommend the right treatment for you.


Invisalign treatment can be a life-changing experience for many people. It can help improve your confidence, your appearance, and your overall oral health. If you are considering Invisalign treatment, we encourage you to read the real stories from people who have benefited from treatment. These stories will give you a better understanding of what to expect from Invisalign treatment and how it can positively impact your life.


Q. How long does Invisalign treatment take?

A. The average Invisalign treatment takes between 9 and 15 months. However, every patient is different, so the length of treatment will vary depending on the individual case.

Q. How much does Invisalign treatment cost?

A. Invisalign treatment typically costs between $3,500 and $8,000. However, the cost will vary depending on the severity of the case and the length of treatment.

Q. Does Invisalign treatment hurt?

A. Most patients report that they experience very little discomfort during Invisalign treatment. Some patients may experience mild soreness or tenderness for a few days after each aligner is changed, but this is typically short-lived and manageable with over-the-counter pain medication.